Same day delivery if ordered before 12 PM | CALL 03 9486 0565 | Local florist in Melbourne



This stunning bouquet focuses on the flowers. A small amount of greenery lets the flowers shine.
Typically in the pink and pastel tones.

The flowers vary day to day. It is big on blooms. This bouquet is all thriller, no filler.

We often include Baby’s breath, Disbuds, Stock, Snap Dragons, Roses, Lisianthus

**You receive a photo of your order before it leaves the studio**

  • We choose the appropriate seasonal blooms for you
  • The flower combinations are rarely repeated. Each arrangement is bespoke
  • Height is rarely less than 50cm
  • Great gift for Birthdays, Celebrations, Mothers day

1st photo $170 example

Same day delivery if ordered before 12pm

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About Happiness

These products were created and named in the initial Covid lockdown.

We all want to spread a little Happiness around. It’s so easy to make others smile. What is it that makes you truly happy?

When you are happy you feel more successful. You have life satisfaction. This brings on positive feelings and emotions.

Make the best of each day, surround yourself with happy people. People that make you feel good. Not people who bring you down.

Be healthy. Spread the joy. Be kind to others.

Learn to forgive.

Additional information

Fresh Flower Sizes     Sweet $90, Special $120, Significant $135, Stunning $150, Splendid $170, Superb $200, Superior $320

Call us for custom orders 9486 0565

  • Photos are a reference of our style and colours, actual varieties will vary
  • Similar shapes and colours will be used to replicate your desired order
  • Hand-written card included with each order
  • Each bouquet comes wrapped in textured paper, tissue and ribbon, unless a vase is added at checkout
  • Vase not included, but can be added for $20
  • Same day delivery if ordered before 12pm
  • Click and collect also available from our Collingwood Studio from 12pm

Flower Care

The recipient will also receive a Flower care card.

Keep all flowers out of direct sunlight & away from heaters. Some flowers last longer than others. Remove spent blooms to keep your arrangement looking fresh.

Wrapped bouquets

  • Unwrap bouquet
  • Keep flowers tied for best results
  • Trim stems on an angle, 2-3 cm
  • Place in fresh water
  • Change water & trim stems every 2-3 days


  • Top up with fresh water every 2-3 days

Wet pack material & bag are compostable. Rubber bands are biodegradable & sustainably farmed. Paper & tissue is recyclable. Felt material & organza bags are reusable.


From social to environmental sustainability, we are dedicated to creating a better world.

  • Our bouquets – Wet pack material & bag are compostable. Rubber bands are biodegradable & sustainably farmed. Paper & tissue is recyclable. Felt material & organza bags are reusable.
  • Our compostable waste is taken to a processing plant where it is turned into organic soil
  • Repurposing “used” flowers, and drying for installations
  • Eliminating foam
  • Boycotting harmful, preserved flowers
  • A preference for seasonal, locally grown blooms. Only using imports as a last resort.
  • Sourcing our gifts from local and Australian made businesses
  • Circular economy within community, picking up jars from neighbours
  • Flowers that would otherwise go to waste are redesigned into gifts for the community

For more on Sustainability, click on the link in the footer