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Complete Floristry Course Grad Feature – Kirsten McMahon, Ardrie Park Floral Studio

2023 Complete Floristry Course Graduate, Kirsten McMahon from Ardrie Park Floral Studio recently took the time to answer some questions about her experience throughout the course.  It is a detailed video summarising the inspiration and commencement of her business as well as the stand-out lessons and elements of the course for her.  It’s a must-watch […]

Constructing a Gold Medal winning Visual Display

Our Visual Display ‘Nature’s Resurgence’ won a gold medal at the recent Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show. The original idea materialised a full year earlier, with the design, logistics, and planning taking place over the 5 months leading up to the Flower Show. Construction of the display took a combined 140 hours over 3 […]

Floristry Design Principles: Colour Theory

It’s one of the most noticeable design principles in floristry. ⁠ This particular vase arrangement is using a complimentary colour scheme. Complimentary colours are positioned on opposite ends of the colour wheel and provide the strongest amount of contrast when paired together. ⁠ Other popular colour schemes include: monochromatic (one single colour), triad (3 colours […]

Sustainability & Preserved Flowers

If you have been lucky enough to attend one of our dried flower courses you will know that we only work with naturally dried flowers. A lot of those we dry ourselves in the studio. ⁠ So, why not preserved? The main reason is chemicals. Naturally drying flowers takes time – it requires the flowers […]

Flower Care: Poppies

Poppies have just come into season. So here’s some tips on Poppy Flower care: After purchased, cut the stems on a 45 degree angle with some sharp snips.  You then want to allow them to drink the most amount of water to encourage them to open and stay fresher for longer. You can do this […]

Valentine’s Day: Say it with Unique and Bespoke Flowers

Buy Valentines day flowers in Melbourne

Valentine’s Day is a time for love and romance, and one of the most popular ways to express these feelings is through the giving of flowers. However, as a florist in Melbourne, Thrive Flowers wants to remind our customers that there are more options available when it comes to choosing the perfect bouquet for your […]

The importance of choosing the right florist for your wedding

Wedding Flower Course Melbourne | Thrive Flowers

The most important decision you’ll make on your wedding day. Choosing the right florist for your wedding is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when planning your big day. Flowers play a major role in setting the tone and style of your wedding, and working with the right florist will ensure that everything […]

2022 Flower Trends For A Livelier Year

Latest flower trends for you

Floral design trends are ever-changing. Several things can influence floral trends and concepts. However, other than earthy colours and plants, flowers create a positive atmosphere and will be more vivid in 2022.  “As a designer, it’s exciting to see varied colours coming into the indoors aside from plants. We feel more connected to the outdoors […]

The Scientifically Proven Benefits of Flowers on Your Emotional Health

thrive flowers

Proven Benefits of Flowers on Your Emotional Health We are all looking for simple ways to offset the high-stress, fast paced world we’re living in. Our emotional state can be negatively affected when we don’t take time to look after ourselves and focus on our mental health and happiness.  You may be surprised to learn […]

History Of the Bridal Bouquet

Bridal bouquet

One of the highlights during the reception is when the bride flings the bouquet into the air. Unmarried guests gather around, and then a scramble ensues, where the victor is believed to be the next to walk the aisle.  “The bouquet also serves as one of the most prominent bridal accessories, and the flowers create […]